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Volume 07 Issue 01 January 2024

Analysis of the Dominant Aspects of Libero’s Basic Skills
1Taufiq Hidayat, 2Gigih Siantoro, 3Sri Wicahyani
1,2,3Universitas Negeri Surabaya, Surabaya, Indonesia
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v7-i01-18

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The physical fitness parameters of players in the libero position need to be measured to maintain performance with training that is appropriate to the needs of supporting movement performance as a libero. The aim of this research is to analyze the basic skills of Libero players. This is quantitative research that uses skill tests as a research instrument. The test instruments used include grip strength tests, sit-and-reach, running, push-up, sit-up, back-up, and vertical jumps. The research population is volleyball players in the position of libero in the Volleyball Student Activity Unit at Surabaya State University. The sampling technique used was a total sampling of 12 students. The data was analyzed descriptively and quantitatively to determine the average skill characteristics of Libero players. The research results show that the average sit and reach test measurement result for male players is 37.93 and for female players is 40.70. The average left-hand grip strength test result for men is 39.43 and for women is 26.8. The average right-hand grip strength test result for men is 41.29 and for women is 28.40. The average result of the push-up test for men is 34.29, and for women, it is 38.80. The average result of the sit-up test for male players is 44.14, and for females, it is 54.00. The average back-up test result for male players is 76.00, and for women, it is 76.00. The average running test result for men is 9.81 and for women is 9.64. The average result of the vertical jump test for men is 55.14 cm, and for women, it is 48.80 cm. The results of this research are useful for trainers as a consideration in preparing special physical training programs that suit the characteristics of liberos.


exercise, libero, basic skills

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Volume 07 Issue 01 January 2024

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